10 Ways to Win a Girl’s Heart

Are you struggling everyday with watching the love of your life being flattered by other potential lovers, knowing that you yourself are the only one who loves her truly? Jealousy, hatred, and a feeling of loss might all come to life during this time. But what you really need to do is win that person's heart. 

  Here are 10 ways to win a girl’s heart:

1. Be pursuant
Pursue her without the pressure. In other words, don’t try to “front” and be cocky. Have a conversation first and show her you are interested beyond her appearance. You don’t have to come up with some crazy pickup line. You can simply say, “I want to introduce myself…”Be sincere and genuine in wanting to get to know her.
2. Be a gentleman
Girls don’t want to be treated like a queen, but they do want to be treated like a princess. She doesn’t want you to be a doormat, she wants you to be the one in charge. Open every door for her, especially the car door. Pull out her chair and allow her to sit down first when you take her on a date, and let her order first. When you are walking alongside the street, you should be the one walking closest to the street. Being a gentleman is being selfless.
3. Be creative
You don’t have to blow your bank account to impress her. Think outside the box.Take her to a place like Color Me Mine, where you paint your own pottery. Putting thought and originality into a date lets her know you really care about showing her the best in life and it allows you to experience each other across various situations.
4. Be intentional
Invite her to parties, events, and game nights with your friends. 
5. Speak well of her in front of other people
Hold her hand. Pick-up artists recommend saying backhanded compliments, but nothing beats a genuine and sincere compliment. A backhanded compliment might work for a one-night stand, but come on, this is a poisonous ingredient in trying to form a long-term relationship. Treat her just as kindly in front of friends and family as you do when you are alone.
6. Be attentive
Show her that you care for her and her needs. Pay attention to the small details. Girls care about the small stuff, big time.
7. Be protective
Don’t let her walk alone to her car. If she’s going on a jog or walk at night, tell her you want to go to keep her safe. If she’s going to the gas station at night, go with her. If you’re at a club and she needs to go to the restroom, take her there and wait outside the door.
8. Be a good listener
Ask solid open-ended questions that include “what,” “how,” and “why.” If you’re doing most of the talking, you’re not getting very far with her. Show her you care with body language and by repeating back some of what she just told you.
9. Be romantic
Plan ahead. What do you want your love story to be? You are the writer. When people ask where your first kiss was, you don’t want her to answer with the driveway or that you were drunk at a party. 
10. Finally, be yourself.
 There won’t be much longevity if she’s fallen for a false persona, and why would you want that anyway?  I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m not the coolest guy out there, so I have fun in my relationship. There is no one else like you, so be confident. When you are walking in truth, game isn’t necessary.  You’ve already won.
10 Ways to Win a Girl’s Heart 10 Ways to Win a Girl’s Heart Reviewed by Mujitaba Sulaimon on 2:34:00 PM Rating: 5

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